John MacArthur Tribute (Day 2): My Top 10 Favorite Books He Authored

This is Day 2 of my week of tributes to John MacArthur on his 50th anniversary of being the Teaching Pastor at Grace Church. Yesterday, I shared a few personal stories about MacArthur’s Gospel influence on my family and why I am endeared to him, as a result.

Today, I want to highlight his writing ministry.

If I remember correctly, MacArthur has written over 150 books. I have not read all of them. I have read a good portion of them, and I want to share with you my “Top 10” list of MacArthur books that have been formative for me. Perhaps, you can start filling up that book-buying list for yourself or get an early start on Christmas shopping.

(I will not put commentaries on this list – not because they aren’t important, but because my list could simply be 10 commentaries. If I could only buy a limited amount of MacArthur resources, I would buy the study Bible and his N.T. commentary set.)

  1. The MacArthur Study Bible. I know, I know – MacArthur didn’t write the Bible, but I don’t expect I will ever use another Bible as my primary study resource. MacArthur, along with faculty members from TMS and TMU edited the notes of this Bible that address problem passages, cultural and historical background, exegetical insights, etc. This study Bible needs to be on the shelf of every Christian.
  2. Keys to Spiritual Growth. This is a sentimental pick. This was the 1st book that was given to me by MacArthur, and he brought it to our house when we invited him to dinner for some Heck lasagna while we were living in Tulsa, OK. He wrote inside the book, “Charles, I hope this is an encouraging resource of truth for you that will give you rich growth in the Lord. John MacArthur. 2 Cor 3:18.”

  1. The Gospel According to Jesus. Every Christian needs to read this book, as it clearly demonstrates the characteristics of the biblical Gospel. Of special emphasis in this book is the battle that MacArthur engaged in over Lordship salvation. His presentation of the biblical Gospel is a death blow to the cheap-grace Gospel.
  2. Rediscovering Expository Preaching. MacArthur is one of the most impactful preachers in history and the finest expositor I have ever heard. This book, which was compiled by the and faculty from TMS and TMU, will give you a rock-solid case for why exposition is superior to other forms of preaching and give you the tools for preaching in that manner.
  3. Forgiveness. I have returned to this book more than any other, because of the subject. It is a series of chapters reflecting on the story of Philemon, and an index for answering many questions related to the subject of forgiveness. A great tool for conflict resolution!
  4. Saved Without a Doubt: Being Sure of Your Salvation. I have given more copies of this book to others than any other by MacArthur. He does not avoid the troubling passages that mention “falling away” or “leaving Christ” and explains how a Christian can have complete and total assurance they are on their way to heaven, by examining 11 passages of Scripture.
  5. Slave. This is definitely one of the more controversial books he wrote. MacArthur rightly demonstrates why “slave” is a preferable translation to “servant,” and yet still distances the definition from the modern-day and historical abuses of slavery.
  6. Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World. This book takes a biblical look at the seeker-friendly movement and pragmatic ministry philosophies. His words are almost prophetic when you where the church has gone today and the fallout of some on the largest churches in America that have adopted pragmatic ways of “doing church.”
  7. The Murder of Jesus. What a provocative book title! In this book, MacArthur harmonizes the finals hours of Jesus’ life by combining the 4 Gospel accounts. And behind the scenes, he shows a loving and just God who sent Jesus to die. He says, “God killed Jesus.”
  8. Charismatic Chaos. I grew up in Tulsa, which is one of the centers for the word/faith movement and health, wealth and prosperity Gospel. This book has been a regular resource for me in thinking through miraculous gifts, the supernatural, demons, etc. I have offended a few of my Charismatic friends in the past by giving this book, even though they needed to hear what Macarthur had to say.

3 thoughts on “John MacArthur Tribute (Day 2): My Top 10 Favorite Books He Authored

  1. Thank you Charles; I’ve never seen a top ten list from someone in ministry before, very helpful!

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    Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 5:44 AM -0600 from :
    Charles Heck posted: “This is Day 2 of my week of tributes to John MacArthur on his 50th anniversary of being the Teaching Pastor at Grace Church. Yesterday, I shared a few personal stories about MacArthur’s Gospel influence on my family and why I am endeared to him, as a resu”


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