
My name is Charles Heck. I got married on January 5, 2001 (just a few days after OU won it’s 7th National Championship) to Andrea Greene. By the way, we haven’t won another Championship since. We reside in Wichita, KS with our three children: Jackson, Josiah and Ethan.

I am a Teaching Pastor at Wichita Bible Church and has been serving in that position since January 2014. I am also a certified counselor with ACBC.

Andrea is a full-time mom, women’s ministry leader, and “on the side”, she is a free-lance editor and much accomplished baker.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Charles,
    I just read your Shepard’s Conference review & I’m tickled pInk that the level of enthusiasm.
    Since my father has already signed the three of us up; (my Dad, I , Seth) & you might be able to travel together for next year, how about that?

    Glad your back,


  2. Hi there,
    I stumbled across your blog while looking at book review stuff and I was wondering if you might be interested in a free digital copy of my book Life on Mission @ Work in exchange for an honest review and rating on amazon and (if you were so inclined, a blog post sharing your thoughts but that’s not required). It’s a short mini-book (50 pages) and I’m just looking to get some feedback on it and help share it a bit. Totally understand and respect if that’s not something you’re into or want to do. Just figured I would ask. Thank you for your time. Hope you have an amazing day!


    • Good question Bryan. Let me break down the blog name for you as best I can. “Saints” is the most common word for Christians in the N.T.; so, the use of that term is simply an acknowledgement that God chose to use that name for us as Christians, and He used it often. “Worldly” does not refer to materialism or some brand of earthly sin, but the reality that we live in this world. We live on earthly. Thus, we are Christians who live on earth, and our goal is to glorify God in all things. One more thing is worth mentioning: Phil Ryken has a book about the Puritans called “Worldly Saints,” and while I am a fan of this resource, his book did not inspire by blog title.


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