Confessing Sin – Should We or Shouldn’t We?

Whoever robs his father or his mother, and says, “That is no transgression” is a companion to a man who destroys. (Proverbs 28:24)

The word for “confess” means “to say the same thing, to agree, to admit, to acknowledge.” It is when someone looks at the truth and agrees with it. In this sense, it is agreeing with God on our sin. Confessing sin is saying, “God I have sinned. I agree with you it is sin. I understand how and why it displeases you.” Confessing is judging your sin and facing it squarely.

Some say confession is not something the Christian should bother with, because Jesus’ work on the cross is finished (John 19:30). Thus, they say if sin is paid for and justification has taken place, why confess sin?

Confessing sin is a characteristic of the genuine believer; we are told to confess our sins to one another (Jas 5:16). Jesus taught to us pray for forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:12). David asked after he confessed his sins with Bathsheba that he would be cleansed from his sins (Ps 51:1-2).

Confession of sin should always begin with God first and foremost. David sets the example when he prayed, “Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight” (Ps 51:4). All sin violates God’s standard first and confession must begin there.

If your sin is known or has been committed against someone, confess it to them. If you gossip about another person or say a hateful word or exasperate your child, confess your sins to them.

The more public your sin has become, the more public your confession should be. If you sin against one person, confess to that one person.  

And, use your own discretion with confessing sins not known by others. One example of this might be lust. I would find it helpful to confess sins like that with your spouse, because your sin against them by not being completely devoted to them. Also, you invite accountability and encouragement. Confess sins to people that can be trusted with that knowledge and will use their position to help you.

The point: get in the habit of confessing sins.

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