Q/A Friday: What Is the Purpose of the Triumphal Entry?

The Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ is an event recording the very last time Jesus would enter Jerusalem. Instead of riding in a golden carriage, Jesus chooses to ride a donkey; instead of being surrounded by money being thrown at him, Jesus is surrounded by people waving palm branches; instead of Jesus putting a golden crown upon His head, Jesus would place a bloody crown of thorns there; instead of Jesus ascending a throne, Jesus ascends a common ordinary cross.

But for what reason(s)?

First, by the Triumphal Entry, Jesus shows He is willing to lay down His life voluntarily. Jesus is moving towards His execution from His own time-table and not the one of the religious leaders. J.C. Ryle says in his commentary, “He did not bleed, and suffer, and die, because He was vanquished by superior force, and could not help Himself, but because He loved us, and rejoiced to give Himself for us as our Substitute. He did not die because He could not avoid death, but because He was willing with all His heart to make His soul an offering for sin. Jesus was willing to accomplish the Father’s will by dying on a cross for sins.

Second, by the Triumphal Entry, Jesus fulfills prophecy. 2 specific prophecies were fulfilled in this passage: one from Psalm 118 and the other from Zechariah 9. The Bible is filled with thousands of prophecies and not 1 prophecy has ever gone unfulfilled. Every prophecy has been completely fulfilled. You can verify these both biblically and historically. Jesus came as a priest (He sacrifices for sin), a king (He is the ruler of the world), and a prophet (He fulfills all prophecies about the Messiah).

Third, by the Triumphal Entry, Jesus demonstrates He is the true Messiah and what kind of king He will be. He is not the political Messiah and deliverer they hoped He would be to redeem them from Rome, but He is the spiritual Messiah and deliverer that would redeem them from sin. Many people want Christ on their own terms; they want Him to be some kind of crisis counselor or some type of good friend and buddy. But the world does not want Him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But this is who He is and always will be.

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