Just In Case You Missed It – December 12-17, 2016

  1. Can Christians Benefit from Books by Non-believers?” by John Piper (Desiring God). Piper’s answer to this question is very insightful.
  2. The History Behind Silent Night” by Ryan Reeves (The Gospel Coalition).
  3. How to Help Your Children Become Better Sermon Listeners” by David Prince (Prince on Preaching).
  4. There are some good lists containing “best books of 2016.” Here is The Gospel Coalition’s 2016 Book Award List , Christianity Today’s 2016 Book Awards , and Tim Challies .
  5. My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2016” by Colin Hansen (The Gospel Coalition). This has become one of my favorite annual features from TGC.
  6. When Should I Leave My Church?” by Josh Buice (DBG). There is some very good and biblical counsel in this article on a very significant issue.
  7. Social Media Update 2016” by Shannon Greenwood, Andrew Perrin, and Maeve Duggan (Pew Research Center).



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